08 Dic WNAVI (Wrapped Natus Vi) swap to UNI (Uniswap)
Thomas Rodriguez – thomas.rodriguez@gmail.com
(2024-12-07 00:31)
(2024-12-07 00:31)
How long do the exchanges of Wrapped Natus Vi (WNAVI) for UNI (Uniswap)
usually take?
Anna Brooks – anna.brooks@gmail.com
(2024-12-07 16:25)
(2024-12-07 16:25)
Here’s a link where you can exchange tokens: WNAVI swap to UNI. Take a look!
Thomas Rodriguez – thomas.rodriguez@gmail.com
(2024-12-07 21:25)
(2024-12-07 21:25)
Nice to hear, thank you for your support!
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